Wednesday 13 November 2013

Digging Deeper Day - Continuity Task (Introducing Jimmy) // Preliminary Task

On the same day we got given a second task in our groups which we had to do to test our film making ability. The brief was to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character. Some dialogue then had to be exchanged between the two characters.
I worked with the same group (Wilhelmina, Sam, Indya and I) and before we started filming we planned where we were going to film, who was going to be filmed, who was filming and what shots were being taken of what person. We decided to film in a classroom not being used in school and Indya and Wilhelmina volunteered to be filmed. Sam and I decided to film and we all wrote out a plan together before filming which roughly showed the shots we may use and some of the dialogue.
The plan was written as follows;
  • Long shot - Indya at the door
  • Close up - handle being turned
  • Medium long shot - Indya going into the room
  • Long shot - Indya walking into the room
  • Medium close up - Wilhelmina in the seat
  • Medium long shot/medium shot - Indya getting into the chair
  • Medium close up - Wilhelmina: What's your name?
  • Medium close up - Indya: My name is...
  • Close up - Indya: ..Jimmy!
  • Extra close up - Wilhelmina takes a deep intake of breath
From looking back at this plan I can see how we didn't completely follow it as when we went to film we had to change some of the planned shot as they looked better on the flip camera as different shots. As well as this the order of the shots slightly changed and more dialogue was added. However, I think this improved our video as when we were filming we took our initiative and just did what we thought looked most visually pleasing.
After editing it I think it worked as our clips seem to all go together and look smooth (no characters jump around between each shot). As well as this we followed the 180 degree rule which is good and makes our film better as it doesn't confuse the placing of the characters.
To improve the video we would possibly use a camera dolly for some of the shots and obviously if a higher quality camera was available then we would use that. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Digging Deeper Day - All Shots, Movements & Angles

Our first task was given to us on Digging Deeper Day on the 22nd of October. In groups we had to produce a film of all the shots, movements and angles from a shot list filming either an object or a person.

I was in a group with Wilhelmina, Indya and Sam and first we decided filming a person would be better to get an idea of the different shots, movements and angles so Indya volunteered herself to be filmed. Then we collected a tripod, flip camera and the list of shots we had to do. We went around the school and filmed a 5-10 second clip of each shot, movement and angle of Indya. We ensured they were as accurate as possible by using the sheet and comparing it to what we were filming.

I think our film came out quite well however to improve it I would make sure we had long enough clips so we could all make them the same length as when I watch it I feel sometimes it's quite irregular as the clip sizes are different. As well as this I would make sure no one was talking in the background or maybe even mute all the videos so the focus of the film is primarily on the shots, movements and angles being taken. Also if possible I would use a camera dolly for the tracking, crabbing and panning shots as we had to move them ourselves, therefore they didn't come out very smooth and the quality is reduced and it doesn't seem very professional. In addition to this I would re-film all the clips and make sure Indya didn't fidget as much as it takes the focus away from the shots making it seem less professional.

Although, overall I think for our first video this is a good effort as it includes all shots, movements and angles and we have done the best to work with the equipment we were given.

Thursday 7 November 2013

An Introduction

My name is Katy, I'm 16 years old and I am currently taking Media Studies as one of my AS levels. I chose to do media as one of my A levels as I have always been interested in the film industry and creating films myself.
For the past 3 years I have edited together various videos including music videos and montages for my family and friends. Because of this I feel I will be quite comfortable editing videos as I am so used to it.
However, I do not usually plan my videos so I think I will struggle having to plan out exactly what I am going to film and what camera angles/shots/movements will be used and who/what they will be of. Although I do not see this as something to be worried about as it will be more of a great learning curve for me.
I am looking forward to creating various videos and my main video and through this blog I hope you will be able to see my progress over the next couple of months and follow me as I plan, produce, edit and share a video.