Thursday 7 November 2013

An Introduction

My name is Katy, I'm 16 years old and I am currently taking Media Studies as one of my AS levels. I chose to do media as one of my A levels as I have always been interested in the film industry and creating films myself.
For the past 3 years I have edited together various videos including music videos and montages for my family and friends. Because of this I feel I will be quite comfortable editing videos as I am so used to it.
However, I do not usually plan my videos so I think I will struggle having to plan out exactly what I am going to film and what camera angles/shots/movements will be used and who/what they will be of. Although I do not see this as something to be worried about as it will be more of a great learning curve for me.
I am looking forward to creating various videos and my main video and through this blog I hope you will be able to see my progress over the next couple of months and follow me as I plan, produce, edit and share a video.

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