Monday 17 February 2014

Filming Starts Tomorrow!

I can't believe it's all come round so fast! My camera's charged, the props and costumes are sorted and all the equipment is ready at Wilhelmina's house.

After researching and going through the pre-production stage I feel completely ready to begin filming tomorrow, a bit nervous for how the day will go but I'm sure it'll turn out great.

After checking BBC Weather unfortunately right now it says it's going to rain tomorrow. This could be quite annoying when doing some of our outside shots or it could enhance them (I guess we'll see when we are filming tomorrow). That's just made me thought, if it's raining, is the camera waterproof? Maybe we'll need to be a waterproof jacket to put over it.. Ok, enough of my rambling, I should probably get an early nights sleep for day 1 of filming tomorrow, night!

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