Tuesday 18 February 2014

That's A Wrap!

Filming has finished all in just one day!

Wilhelmina and Indya arrived at mine just after 9am and we starting filming around 10am. We got all the outside shots done pretty quickly and then entered the house and did the majority of those shots. We had our lunch break at mine and then went back to the house around 2pm to film the final two shots.

We were originally using the tri-pod we borrowed from the school but we actually found my own one better as it was taller and had more options for the direction the camera could be moved on it. When we filmed the shots inside we used my tri-pod instead.

The use of the camera went pretty smoothly. The only problem we came across was when we were filming our shot when we wished to do a focus pull we couldn't get it to exactly work (even though Wilhelmina knows how to do it and has done it before). We tried to do it the best we could and hopefully it's come out alright.

As we managed to get everything done a lot faster than we thought we had time to do extra shots throughout the day of what we thought would look good to have in the opening. This should be good for our film opening as in the planned storyboard I don't think it is very long overall (so these extra shots should ensure it is at least 1 minute and 30 seconds).

After we finished filming we had a little time before Wilhelmina and Indya had to leave so we decided to record some creepy sounds of Wilhelmina laughing, crying, etc on my microphone which I can then edit and we may use in our opening.

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