Thursday 13 February 2014

Location Scouting and Test Shots // Pre-Production

When coming up with our idea for our film opening I realised straight away how the house next door to me is empty so I took some photos of it to show Wilhelmina and Indya, they both agreed it was perfect. After getting permission I went and took some test shots which include some shots which are from our storyboards and other extra ones which I thought looked good.

This location is definitely the most suitable to film in terms of logistics and representation. It is right next door to me so it is very easy to get all our equipment and props across and set up filming fairly quickly. As well as this we have been granted access for all of the 18th and 19th of February meaning we could enter the house whenever we wanted then making it easier when planning what time we are filming. This house is a rural, detached, large, empty house. All of those things together makes, in my opinion, a great location for a supernatural horror. The idea that whoever is in the house will be alone makes it even more typical of the genre and as it is in a rural area and makes the character seem even further away from other people.

From these tests shots I can see how our choice to use natural lighting works well. The composition of these shot are easy to see and they aren't too bright (therefore they don't seem artificial as they are not).

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