Monday 10 February 2014

Moodboard: Explanation // Pre-Production

This is our mood board which we created for our big pitch. I felt we didn't get to properly explain this during our pitch so I've decided to create a separate post dedicated it to guide you through our ideas and how we will create a mood and portray the supernatural horror genre.

The main iconic prop we will use is a doll. The doll we will use is authentic and over 100 years old (it will be one of the dolls in the mood board.)  I believe this is a good prop as it creates a creepy element and gives the impression that wherever the doll is there must be someone else (the owner of the doll) nearby. As well as this, in terms of logistics, it is great as the doll(s) belong to Wilhelmina's Mum. Other props we have include a pen, old newspaper cut out, estate agent forms, a clipboard and a handbag. these are simply some props for the stock character so do not need to create an atmospheric mood. Although thinking about it those props do make the scene more authentic as people will be able to relate to the normal things being there which will then make the audience more scared as they could easily be in a similar situation the stock character is in.

The location is a house that is currently empty. This house is old and rather creepy as it is large and as I said before currently empty. This will make the opening very ominous as only Suzanne will be in the house with no one else there (or so she thinks). 

We will use natural lighting as we think artificial lighting will make the scene look fake and put together and we don't want to take away the creepy element by having random lights dotted in places. As well as this supernatural horrors are generally quite dark as they use natural lighting.

The two actors we will use are Wilhelmina and Indya (in the pictures above). We all came to agreement that they were best to take part as they are very reliable (since they are part of the team), they want to act and they both look the best for the part to create the right mood.

Indya and Wilhelmina acting will not in any way affect the amount of work they do to film the opening, we will film equally and split roles equally on the day so it is our opening and not just one person's.

Indya (Suzanne) will wear a smart, black dress to show how she is a professional woman who you would expect to be quite brave therefore meaning if there were creepy noises or a doll in the house this stock character is likely to check out the situation instead of running out of the house scared. This shows Suzanne subverts the archetypal role of women which is done quite a lot in supernatural horrors as female characters are generally quite curious. Wilhelmina (the antagonist) will wear a white dress with no shoes. This shows a good contrast to Suzanne and will make it clear who the antagonist is.

The weather is likely to be cloudy and we could even have rain. We are hoping for it to simply be cloudy to create a chilling atmosphere.

In the mood board above you can see some ideas of the typography we may use. It will be in white with a black background and will probably be quite a simple font or a creepy one (like the ones above). The font will be decided later.

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