Saturday 15 February 2014

What Could Go Wrong During Filming

We have permission to shoot in our location and Wilhelmina picked up the equipment we needed on the last Friday before half term.

As the days of filming are approaching I was thinking about how much I'm looking forward to it but also how there's the chance for lots of things to go wrong. I don't want to be negative and assume something bad will happen but I think that by thinking about these things I will be able to do all I can do prevent them from happening.

What Could Go Wrong? What Will I Do?


Equipment left behind on set. -The set is next door to me so if we realise we've forgotten something I can just go over and collect it.
Equipment returned late. -On the first day back we will all return the equipment as soon as we get to school.
Not doing much footage and returning to school practically empty handed. -We will ensure we get a good amount of work done on both days and request another day of filming from the house owner if we need longer.
People forgetting/not turning up to filming days. -I will text and Facebook message Wilhelmina and Indya the day before to ensure they will come on time.
Wasting time on shoot. -I will write up a rough timeline of what we aim to get done in the day and we will try and follow it.
Things taking too long in general. -We will be focused on the day and not get distracted.


Not explaining ideas properly. -We know we communicate well as a team and have not had any problems explaining our ideas so far so this should not be a problem.
Keeping quiet and not expressing how you feel. -We are all comfortable around each other and happily say how we feel so this shouldn't happen.
Losing your patience/arguments. -We will all agree and when we don't come to a compromise. If we have different ideas about filming something then if we have time we will film both ideas and decide at the post-production stage.
Last minute changes without team agreement. -We already have a group Facebook chat. Whenever we think of changes we discuss them on the chat and decide together.
Not recording everything we do on the blog. -We will treat our blogs like our diaries for this film opening. Whenever something changes we will write it up on our blog as soon as we can.


Batteries dying during filming. -We will make sure the batteries are fully charged by charging them well in advance and not using them until the days we film. We will also bring the leads so they can be charged on the day if needed.
Unable to use equipment. -Last Friday someone showed us the basics of the camera and how to use it. We are all comfortable using tripods. If we are unable to do more technical things (on the camera)we will either look up how to do it or figure it out ourselves.
Poor lighting. -Lighting could become an issue for us. When I went to do test shots it was surprisingly better than I thought. If, however it isn't light enough we will have to decide on the day what to do to improve it.
Shaky camera movements. -We will be using a tripod so this shouldn't happen (unless it's supposed to).
Not a large variety of shot angles, movements and distances. -We have already storyboarded a large variety of shots and if we think of more things we could do on the day then we will do it.

Group Dynamics

One person controlling the group/people not doing equal amounts of all jobs. -We all respect how we are part of a team and we will not allow anyone to control the group so we all get to do jobs equally.
Not compromising. -We will compromise unless we feel very passionate about having a certain thing our own way. If this happens we may try and film both ways but if not we will just compromise.
Getting annoyed and turning problems into 'personal' issues. -This will not happen as we are all mature and know this is an important stage for our film opening.

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