Thursday 6 March 2014

Editing The Rough Cut 5th Session // Post-Production

In today's lesson I was completely on my own! Wilhelmina & Indya were both away on various trips. Before hand Wilhelmina gave me the password for her account so I could access what we had been editing.

I just continued off from where we got to and managed to get to the end of the clips and edited them together roughly. I also added one sound effect we had recorded during our day of filming. This sound effect was of Wilhelmina laughing and I put it in after Indya is holding and looking at the doll. As well as this I had to try and time the final clips well as before and after the antagonist screams there needs to be the right amount of time so that atmosphere builds but the audience doesn't get bored. In addition to this I added in another sound effect of an intake of breath that we recorded during filming.

 As well as this I went on LiveType and came up with a couple of ideas for typography and saved them all in the Malediction folder so that when Indya and Wilhelmina are back we can get target audience feedback and then decide as a group which font we will go for.

Since I have spent two hours editing alone once Wilhelmina and Indya are back we will go over what I've done and then make sure everyone in the group agrees on how the rough cut looks and we will make any changes if necessary.

Right at the end of the lesson I remembered how I'd forgotten to put any colour filters on yet so I will need to do that next lesson (tomorrow).


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