Friday 28 March 2014

Malediction 3rd Rough Cut - (Further Audience Feedback)

As I mentioned in my last post one of the people we last interviewed (James) has a sister who is at Nottingham Trent University studying Design for Film and Television. When James told us about her we thought it would be an excellent opportunity to get feedback from someone who was studying at University and still within our target audience. When she came back from University for the weekend James showed her our 3rd rough cut.

The improvements were as follows:
  • The shots outside the house should have a darker filter.
  • The shots inside the house should have a lighter filter.
  • The diegetic sound of the door opening should be made slightly louder.
  • When Suzanne is approaching the room where the antagonist is the music should build up more to enhance tension.
She did however say our film opening was very good for an AS Level piece of work so we were pretty happy with that and her constructive comments. 

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