Saturday 22 March 2014

Malediction - 3rd Rough Cut

This is the 3rd rough cut that Wilhelmina and Indya produced on the Thursday lesson when I was away. They used the improvements given in the audience feedback.

These included:

- incidental music building up in volume at the end
- the diegetic sounds (door and laughter) not being too loud
   and more.

As well as this Wilhelmina told me they asked someone in our class and they suggested to have 'Wilhelmina Denness   Indya Clayton' instead of 'Wilhelmina Denness & Indya Clayton' as movie openings don't tend to include an '&'.

In addition to this Indya and Wilhelmina added a more noticeable dark filter which I agree with as it makes the opening seem more eerie.

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