Saturday 29 March 2014

I was ill!

Unfortunately on Wednesday the 26th of March I didn't come into school as I felt very ill with a bad cough and cold. This was incredibly frustrating for me especially since I have also been to Manchester recently so I feel as though my contribution to the group is lacking.

When I was gone Wilhelmina and Indya made some of the improvements that were given to us previously. The improvements they made included building up the sound more at the end by adding another soundtrack that subtly makes the sound feel thicker and as though you're building up to more of a climax in the opening.

As well as this they asked our teacher and another member of staff for some feedback.
The feedback they got was as follows:

- Cut down the shot of the antagonist screaming
- Make some shots shorter because at times the camera jolts
- Slow down the establishing shots at the start

Indya and Wilhelmina did all these things. They mentioned to me when I got back the next day how at 0:57 the sound suddenly reduces in volume quite a bit. None of us our sure why it does that or how to fix it so we will just have to leave it as how it is.

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