Monday 20 January 2014

The Advantages & Disadvantages of Working in a Group

For my main production task I have the choice of working individually or in a group. This is a big decision and to help me decide I am going to think of advantages and disadvantages of working in a group.


-You can bounce ideas off each other for the main production video.
-You can rely on others for support and encouragement to do media work.
-The work load is shared as a group of people are making 1 opening to a movie.
-People can contribute more to things they are best at ensuring the final product is of the highest standard.
-You can share your experience of producing a movie opening with others.


-People may fall behind meaning you cannot go further until they've caught up.
-People may rely too heavily on others in the group and not feel the need to get work done if others are doing it.
-Roles may be spread unfairly leaving someone out, someone taking over the whole group or in general people not contributing fairly and evenly.
-It may be harder to prove you've done enough work and show the journey in making the video if other people are contributing to it.
-You may disagree on things creating a bad work environment.

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