Thursday 30 January 2014

My Genre - Supernatural Horror

In our group Wilhelmina, Indya and I all collectively decided we wanted to do a horror as our genre because we are all very interested in the genre and are keen to create an effective horror opening.

We then had to choose a sub genre. At first we were unsure between psychological or supernatural however we knew if we chose psychological then we would definitely want to have supernatural elements to it. After discussion we realised it would be simpler to do a supernatural horror as having supernatural elements is the thing we are all most enthusiastic about.

In addition to this straight away we understood how doing a supernatural horror would be much easier than doing an action adventure as we do not have access to things like explosions etc to make an action adventure believable. We do however have access to good locations for horrors and are able to get good props which will make our opening much more believable (the logistics are much easier for us for a supernatural horror). As well as this we have a range of ideas to create an effective opening and they all apply to the genre of supernatural horror.

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