Monday 27 January 2014

Film Openings - Manhattan (Media Language) // Research

The opening scene begins with an establishing shot of part of the Manhattan skyline. Various similar shots follow this showing the different, but similar architecture. This shows the extent of buildings in Manhattan and establishes to the audience that this film is based in a city.

Manhattan: empty and still
Later on long shots and extra long shots of the inner parts of the city are shown showing people and events going on giving the city more of a character and life. These shots vary from being very busy to very still. This mirrors Manhattan in the sense that some places are full of life while others are just there, still.

Manhattan: crowded and full of life
From 1:58 to 2:14 lots of extra long shots are used which really shows the extent of how big and magnificent Manhattan is. Followed by this are more long and extra long shots of Manhattan now in the dark giving the audience an impression of what it is like in the evenings/night. The camera is held completely still in all shots with one exception at 2:37 where the camera is moving with a car to make the audience feel as if they are in the car experiencing Manhattan from a person's point of view. The fact that this shot is tilting up and down continuously emphasises the feeling of the audience being in a car as the road may be quite bumpy.

From 2:55 onwards extra long shots of fireworks as shown which really portrays the beauty of Manhattan as the light that fills the shots are just the fireworks and the small lights coming from each individual window of the various buildings/skyscrapers. The opening ends with the final firework being shot and the music finishing.

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