Saturday 25 January 2014

Film Openings - Hot Fuzz (Titles) // Research

The titles begin to appear at 0:10 where is says 'Universal Pictures Presents'. The other titles displayed are 'In Association with Studio Canal', 'A Working Title Production' and 'In Association with Big Talk Productions.' All titles fade in and out and stay there for around 3 seconds one after the other. The style of writing is quite bold and it is a font where, or they have decided to make, all the letters capitals. This makes the titles stand out more in front of the background of the inside of the empty police station with the man walking towards the camera. The colour of the font is white with a black shadow effect around the edge of each letter. There is no sound when the titles appear. Usually at the start of a film idents would be shown but in this case they have just used a simple font and made the titles quite subtle probably since it is a Working Title Production which is an independent film company and they therefore don't need to make a bit thing out of where/who the film has been made by.
An example of one of the titles shown

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