Monday 20 January 2014

The Do's and Don'ts of the Main Production Task

Here is a list of the do's and don'ts I will follow during my main production task.

-Work with people who I will get on with.
-Do lots of research into other thriller openings.
-Come up with plently of creative ideas.
-Plan ahead actors, script, setting etc. (mise en scene) before filming.
-Be a perfectionist (to a certain extent), do things to the best of my ability.
-Do all planning needed (e.g storyboard) so filming is smooth and we know what kind of shots (e.g MCU) we want.
-Record all my progress and post regularly on my blog.
-Frame all shots properly (think about the rule of thirds).
-Follow and use the 180 degree rule, match on action and other good filming/editing techniques.
-Be aware of lighting and how it changes the effect of a scene.
-Use a tripod and a high quality camera when filming (unless we decide to have a
shakey shot or poor quality at points for effect).

-Leave things to the last minute.
-Cast bad or time wasting actors/actresses.
-Rush into production without enough planning.
-Rely on others in the group to get things done.
-Film in an area where you do not have permission.
-Film people/objects who are not meant to be in the shot (e.g don't film yourself filming through something reflective unless it is intentional).
-Don't shoot more than is needed as it then becomes more time consuming when editing.

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