Monday 27 January 2014

Film Openings - Manhattan (Titles) // Research

No clear titles are shown in this opening. The only one I can point out is at 0:19 when a vertical  (what appears to be white) sign of 'Manhattan' is being shown in the centre of the shot and is slowly flashing. This writing is all in capital letters which makes it stand out more and it appears on the screen for 6 seconds. The lights of the sign are on for about 3 of those seconds. Around this title is the side of the building the sign is attached to on the left and some more architecture on the right. There is a sign to the left of it that is very similar but instead it says 'Parking'. This reminds the audience how Manhattan is an ordinary, real place with normal things for everyday people like parking. The non-diegetic sound that is heard throughout the whole opening and is playing while this title is being shown. Just after this shot of the sign finishes being shown the voice over comes in which heavily implies that it is meant to be a title of the movie and not just a random sign. However, I don't think this sign was purposefully built for this film and it was more likely that the director had seen that sign and wanted to film it to show the title of the film instead of using some titles on the screen that aren't so directly connected to Manhattan.
Manhattan sign/title

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