Sunday 26 January 2014

Film Openings - The Shining (Background Information & Narrative) // Research

Background Information:

The Shining (1980)
Director: Stanley Kubrick
 -Peregrine Productions
  -Producers Circle
 -Box Office: $44,017,374
    -Saturn Award, Nominated, Best Horror Film
    -Saturn Award, Scatman Crothers, Won, Best Supporting Actor
    and more..


The opening scene starts with an long, establishing shot revealing to the audience a lake with mountains either side of it. This shot is tracking along the scenery moving forward. Various other shots of scenery are shown. Accompanied by this is eerie music which gives a creepy effect. As well as this one of the shots is a birds eye view that appears to be following a car which in turn emphasises the creepy aspect as someone is being followed. This continues for the rest of the opening with various shots of the scenery and the car being followed, the music builds up near the end and a long shot of an almost camouflaged house is shown at the bottom of a mountain. This shot establishes where the film may be located and shows a creepy, large house which again intensifies the creepy aspect. No key storyline is established immediately however a clear scene for the film has been set.

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