Thursday 23 January 2014

Film Openings - Hot Fuzz (Background Information & Narrative) // Research

Background Information:

Hot Fuzz (2007)
Director: Edgar Wright
 -Studio Canal
 -Working Title Films
 -Big Talk Productions
 -Box Office: $80,736,657
     -Empire Awards, UK (2008) Won, Best Comedy
     -National Movie Awards, UK (2007) Won, Best Comedy
    and more..


The opening scene starts with a long shot that establishes the scene showing a man, the protagonist, walking towards the camera. The way this man walks with meaning and in a strong way suggests he has power and is an important character. This man walks so close that the composition becomes a close up and the man reveals his identity by showing his police badge and a voice over coming in introducing himself. This voice over explains who he is, where he comes from and what he's done. A montage of shots show him mainly doing the corresponding things the voice over is saying. Close ups of his uniform emphasises his connotations of power. As well as this the large mixture of shots show how he must be the best, most important police officer as he has done so many things. The serious, but confident expression on his face shows he is aware of this. It ends with him getting wounded by Father Christmas making a negative situation slightly comedic but also showing how he is fearless and will do anything for his job.

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